New Stories

Each of the pieces of furniture we use has had a previous life. Behind each piece is a story – sometimes we know a little of what that has been, either by knowing or understanding who has made it or who owned it and what it’s been used for.

By the time we get them though they look pretty sad and usually somewhat worn out. However as long as they have a good frame and shape we can get to work.

The pleasure we get is working on each piece, choosing colours, fabrics and making sure they are restored back to looking magnificent. We watch people fall in love with them and then they go onto have a new story and life.

It’s uncanny how pieces ‘speak’ to new owners. We had a chair that helped nurse 4 children and was bought by a midwife for her new guest bedroom!

Here are a few recent pieces that have started their new stories in their new homes.

An orange chair bought by a local couple (reluctantly) made its way to their son’s home to go with his arcade game machine – what lovely parents!

A couple on holiday spotted this ottoman and thought it would go well at the end of their bed – we couldn’t agree more! We posted it to them on their return as it would have been tricky to take back on the train!